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Il y a actuellement 20 237 articles — dont 9 articles de qualité et 47 bons articles — liés au portail de l'aéronautique
Ce portail est une section de Wikipédia, consacrée à l'aéronautique. Il propose différentes sélections d'articles et d'images mise à jour automatiquement ainsi qu'un index thématique permettant d'accéder à tous les articles concernant l'aéronautique répertoriés au sein de l'encyclopédie. Vous êtes cordialement invités à participer au projet. Pour toutes questions ou remarques vous pouvez consulter notre page de discussion.

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Un P&W F119 en phase de test dans les locaux de Nellis Air Force Base.

Le Pratt & Whitney F119 (désigné, en interne, par PW5000) est un turboréacteur double flux et double corps à postcombustion développé par l’Américain Pratt & Whitney entre la fin des années 1980 et le début des années 2000. Propulsant les Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, avions de chasse furtifs de l'US Air Force, il est, par conséquent, l'unique moteur de cinquième génération opérationnel à l'heure actuelle.

Le P&W F119 est également l'un des rares turboréacteurs capables de propulser l'avion qu’il équipe à une vitesse supersonique sans avoir recours à la postcombustion ; cette capacité est connue sous la dénomination supercruise, ou supercroisière. Pour cela, il délivre une poussée de l’ordre de 35 000 lbf (156 kN) malgré 40 % de pièces en moins par rapport à son prédécesseur, de façon à diminuer les coûts de maintenance. Le P&W F119 dispose enfin d’une tuyère bidimensionnelle orientable de ±20° dans le but d’améliorer la manœuvrabilité de l’avion...

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Accident sur la base de Fairchild en 1994, Attentat de Lockerbie, Boeing 757, Boeing 767, Crash de l'A320 de Germanwings, L'Oiseau blanc, Vol Swissair 111, Vol US Airways 1549

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Adaport Victoria de Montréal, Aéroport international de Nauru, Air-Cobot, Aviation royale canadienne, Balls 8, Fraser Barron, Bataille de la mer de Corail, Bataille de Midway, Frank Bladin, Boeing 747, Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, Boeing E-3 Sentry, Boeing XB-15, Bombardements stratégiques sur le Japon, Frank Borman, Classe Mistral, Michael Collins (astronaute), Collision aérienne de Brocklesby, Configuration d'aile, Convair 880, Convair B-58 Hustler, Convair NB-36H, Convair YB-60, Gordon Cooper, De Havilland Comet, Dent d'ours, Charles Duke, École nationale de l'aviation civile, Enola Gay, Virgil Grissom, Helicopter 66, Hans-Joachim Marseille, Liste des Boeing B-52 exposés, Lockheed XF-104, Martin XB-51, Marie Marvingt, McDonnell XF-85 Goblin, North American XF-108 Rapier, Northrop F-20 Tigershark, Opération Ladbroke, Pratt & Whitney F119, Procès de l'attentat de Lockerbie, Walter Schirra, David Scott, Traîneau à traction aérienne, Victoire dans les airs (film), Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer, Vol Comair 5191, Vol Delta Air Lines 191, Vol de reconnaissance au-dessus du Japon du 1er novembre 1944, Vol Propair 420, Vol ValuJet 592, James Allen Ward, Zero d'Akutan
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Delta Air Lines. Boeing 727-200.CAE.70's.jpg

Un Boeing 727-200 de Delta Air Lines dans les années 1970.

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Le saviez-vous ?
Concorde on Bristol.jpg
  • Les ailes du Concorde sont de type « delta gothique ». Il est par ailleurs l'un des tout premiers appareils à être doté de commandes de vol électriques.
  • En vol supersonique, sous l'effet des frottements de l'air, le Concorde s'allonge d'environ 20 cm. Son nez atteint alors 105 °C alors que la température extérieure est de -55 °C.
  • La distribution de portance qui engendre une trainée induite minimum est la distribution elliptique. C'est en grande partie pour cette raison que le Supermarine Spitfire avait un comportement de vol aussi remarquable grâce à ses ailes de géométrie elliptique par rapport à ses adversaires de l'impressionnante Luftwaffe durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
  • La navette spatiale américaine devient véritablement un planeur lors de son retour sur terre.
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Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Concorde on Bristol.jpg
The last ever flight of any Concorde, 26th November 2003. The aircraft (G-BOAF) is overflying Filton airfield at two thousand feet to take a wide circle over the Bristol area before the final landing on the Filton (Bristol) runway from which she first flew in 1979, and from which the first British Concorde flew in 1969.
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Nuvola German flag.svg
Auteur/Créateur: Mixed; see above., Licence: LGPL
Flag of Germany. (Complete scalable Nuvola-style flag of Germany. Based on Image:Nuvola_Spain_flag.svg.).
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Delta Air Lines. Boeing 727-200.CAE.70's.jpg
Auteur/Créateur: Hunter-Desportes, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Un Boeing 727-200 de Delta Air Lines à l'aéroport de Colombia Metropolitan (CAE) en Caroline du Sud dans les années 1970.
Auteur/Créateur: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Pratt & Whitney F119.JPEG
Auteur/Créateur: unknown, Licence: Copyrighted free use
A Pratt and Whitney F-119 thrust-vectoring jet aircraft engine creates 35,000-pound of thrust, during a operational test and evaluation run up conducted inside the 57th Component Repair Squadrons test cell hush house at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), Nevada (NV).
Nuvola Spain flag escudada.svg
Auteur/Créateur: Mixed; see above., Licence: LGPL
Versión con el escudo sin tantas alhajas
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
OOjs UI icon bulb-invert.svg
Auteur/Créateur: Martin Kraft, Licence: CC0
An icon for the OOjs UI MediaWiki lib.
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!
Auteur/Créateur: Elegant Themes, Licence: GPL
We’ve designed a 192 piece set of flat icons, and they are all yours, for free! The icons come in two versions: full color and single color, for a total of 384 variations. This download includes .ai, .eps, .pdf, and .png (64px and 128px). Below is the full set in both styles. These icons are completely free and Open Source under the GPL, so feel free to use them in your personal and commercial projects alike. We are on a mission to create the best collection of Open Source graphics on the web, so that the WordPress ecosystem can use and enjoy them alongside the freedoms they have become accustomed to. Stay tuned for more great stuff!